Building A Plan

Do you have a plan for your life? Does it involve being successful, building wealth and living out your dreams? Achieving anything always starts the same way, with creating a plan. A plan means taking your future into your own hands , bringing it to the present and doing something about it right now. Without a plan goals are just wishful thinking.

Join Steve Ek May 16th and 17th for his first unveiling of his coaching center in Chicago


Start Building Your Plan Now

Hey there! I'm Lindsay

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

Sign Up

99% of adults don't have a written plan

The 1% that do reach their goals.  This two day event is centered around working with you to create the plan for your life.  You will walk away with clarity of mind and a step by step road map for your future, your path to success and your dream life.  


Build a plan for success

Make a plan for success that will last you a lifetime

Connect with Steve Ek

Connect one-on-one with Steve EK

Start living your success

Make your dreams reality and start living your success

Ready to make a plan?

Join Steve Ek for a seat at the table building a plan together, for your life, your success and your future.  


Start building your plan today

Can't Make It In Person?

Not to worry, there will be a live stream of the event you can attend virtually 

Attend Virtually